Gameplay Effect Definitions

Data Driven way of specifying common parent Gameplay Effect classes that are accessible through File menu

Gameplay Effect Definitions #

Similar to the Gameplay Ability Definitions, you can do the same with Gameplay Effects.

Here is the default one included in GAS Companion.

Remember that you can create your own definitions, edit the default ones or even remove them if you'd like. This configuration is stored in DefaultGame.ini.

Create your own Definitions #

You can create your own template for Gameplay Effect and make them available via the context menu.

To do so, you need to create a Blueprint child of GSCTemplate_GameplayEffectDefinition, and modify the template as you wish. Any new Gameplay Effect created from Context Menu using this template as a base will be created using the template properties.

Create Gameplay Effect will be a direct child of UGameplayEffect.

Property Description
Menu Path Where to show this in the menu. Use "|" for sub categories. E.g, "Custom| Category| Example".
Base Name The default BaseName of the new asset. E.g "Example_Effect" -> GE_Example_Effect
Gameplay Effect Template The Parent template (child of GSCTemplate_GameplayEffectDefinition) class to use when creating new Gameplay Effect for this definition

The above example definition will add a new category to the context menu, like so:

Upon clicking the last part of the context menu tree (here "Example"), a new GE Blueprint is created named after the Base Name option in config.

Gameplay Effect with only Modified properties displayed, based on the values defined in BP_GE_My_Template.